Beltane (Gaelic May Day Festival or “spring time festival of optimism”) and 1st of May have been celebrated for thousands of years to welcome summer, warmth, new life and sunlight. It is a season of flowering, lighthearted bliss, fertility, sunshine and delights of life. This festival occurs at the end of April/beginning of May in the Northern Hemisphere and the end of October/beginning of November in the Southern Hemisphere.

In the past, Pagans and Celts used to divide the year into two seasons. May 1st was praised as the beginning of summer and with it a celebration of life and light, November 1st the beginning of winter and the honoring of death and darkness. Beltane marks the half way point of the year, balancing light and dark.
Taking a look at the analogy of the moon phases, Beltane would be the First Quarter Moon or Half Moon.
Traditionally the beginning of summer, the vibrant energy is tangible. Nature is blooming to the fullest, birds are tirelessly singing their sweet songs, animals are nurturing their newborn babies, and the hours of sunlight are increasing.
Beltane, like all seasonal festivals, is a time to reflect. With the energies of summer and abundant sunshine, it invites you to find that inner joy and gratitude for being alive. Cultivate gratitude to all the blessings in your life and take a moment to see how far you have come to be where you are today. From that point of acceptance, begin to focus on what you wish to bring into your life.
You may consider to ponder the following questions:
- Is there anything you would like to change?
- How can you begin to see the extraordinary in the ordinary?
- What can you do to find your purpose?
- How can you take the next step in following your heart?
- How can you be the change in the world and spread love, compassion and kindness on a larger scale?
- And what can you do on May 1st (or this weekend) that makes you happy? How can you celebrate this seasonal festival?
Let the powerful energy of Beltane assist you in moving forward, in achieving your goals and fulfilling your dreams!
Wishing you a happy and blessed 1st of May!
If you would like to share how you are celebrating, I would love to hear from you! Please post your feedback directly on my website blog, email me or post your comments on Facebook.Many blessings from my heart to yours,
Tanja Alexandra Kern