“Now is the time to give full power to the seed dreams you incubated in your Heart Fire during the darkness of winter. The spring equinox is a powerful time to care for the earth and shed any limiting or toxic behaviors. At the moment of balance that shifts towards the next three month of increasing light, we get to shed again and revitalize what is truly growing. During this time of tremendous growth, let us all take care to protect the precious seedlings that have emerged from the depths of winter. Let us honor the fiery energy of new life.” – Shiva Rea
Today is the day that grants us equal parts of daylight and darkness.
As we transition to the season of spring you may discover that the seeds of intention you planted in winter are starting to sprout. This is the season to nourish your seedlings of intention and support them to manifest your heart’s desires. Watch as they start to bloom, unfolding your life in the direction of your dreams.
Let’s look at Yoga asanas for Spring, news about bringing Yoga to the Beach and two videos of very skilled Dogs Doing Yoga.
Yoga Asanas for Spring
What better yoga poses to welcome Spring, wake up our bodies and boost our energy than Sun Salutations and Twists?
After a few rounds of Sun Salutations, twists tone the abdominals, increase circulation, support the body in releasing toxins, enhance digestion and bring in fresh blood and nutrients to the organs.
Today we focus on Half Lord of the Fishes Pose (Ardha Matsyendrasana)
Start by sitting (on a folded blanket) on your yoga mat with your knees bend and your feet on the floor. Bring the outside of your right leg to the floor, knee pointing away from you and foot to the outside of your left hip. Now step your right foot to the outside of your right thigh with the knee pointed up.
Wrap your right arm around your left knee. Inhale to lift up from the top of your head up to the ceiling with a straight spine. As you exhale bring your left hand behind your left buttock and start to twist to the left as you continue to lengthen your spine. Both sitbones stay on the floor. Inhale to lengthen and exhale to twist. After a few breath, come out of the pose and switch to the other side.
Yoga on the Beach
I am delighted to open up my Monday morning Yoga class to head out to the beach if weather allows. We continue to meet at the studio. If there is a possibility for taking the class outdoors, please make sure to show up about 15 minutes prior to class.
Dogs Doing Yoga
To brighten your first day of spring please enjoy these two videos if you haven’t seen them already on my Facebook page (www.Facebook.com/MendocinoHealing)
These dogs really know how to do yoga! Very impressive! 🙂