A Time of Transformation

December 26, 2014
Tanja Alexandra Kern

TransformedButterfly“At the beginning of every day, reflect on the day ahead and aspire to use it to keep a wide-open heart and mind. At the end of the day before going to sleep, think over what you have done. If you fulfilled your aspiration even once, rejoice in that. If you went against your aspiration, rejoice that you are able to see what you did and are no longer living in ignorance. This way you will be inspired to go forward with increasing clarity, confidence and compassion in the days that follow.” Pema Chödrön


The year 2014 is almost over and the new year is just around the corner. As we begin to transition to 2015 we contemplate on the past 12 months, on all the wonderful moments, people and pets that have made the year special for us, the accomplishments, losses, challenges and successes. Taking the past year into account we soon feel inclined to start planning ahead and making resolutions for the New Year while we bid farewell to 2014.

As you welcome the new year, are you ready to let go of what no longer serves you and invite new possibilities and opportunities into your life? Instead of making New Year’s resolutions, which set expectations and may lead to failure and disappointment, I would like you to consider taking a different approach this year.

During this time of transition I would like to invite you to allow some quiet time for yourself and reflect where you are in your life and what you wish to accomplish, what you can let go of and what you wish to bring into our life.

As you deliberately examine your dreams and desires you will notice what motivates you and can begin to set an intention with enthusiasm. By contemplating your life and intentions you bring awareness to where you are in your life and where you would like to go. Being realistic in your goal setting and excited to follow trough offers you the perfect combination to turn your dreams into reality. As you move towards fulfilling your intentions, however, remind yourself to cultivate compassion, kindness and patience. 

LotusOfTransformationWhatever good things, challenges or changes the New Year may bring for you, please know that yoga is a wonderful practice to support you and guide you through your life. Yoga brings you back into the present moment, allows you to become fully aware of your needs, emotions and thoughts, invites you to pause, rest and reset, provides you with inner as well as physical strength and flexibility, patience, compassion and mindfulness and gives you the opportunity to turn this time of transition into a wonderful time of transformation for you.

May your transition be smooth and your transformation be magical.




Fireworks Wishing you and your loved ones a healthy and happy New Year 2015!



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