Welcome Change ~ Part 3 of 3

January 30, 2015
Tanja Alexandra Kern



Where Attention goes Energy flows; Where Intention goes Energy flows!
~ James Redfield








You may like to consider the following steps to guide and support you during your time of transition.

1. Practice Mindfulness
As you go through a change in your life, take this time to explore, study and understand your own process. You may like to start a gratitude journal or begin journaling about all the new insights, challenges and wonderful things that are occurring for you. Mindfulness practices like yoga, mediation and pranayama (breath work) can do wonders to support and guide you and bring your body, mind, spirit and emotions back to a state of balance and ease. Show yourself compassion, patience and ease to be in the flow of life.

2. Surround yourself with like-minded, positive people
You may consider joining a class, event or a study group that matches your field of personal interest that may support you through your time of change. Surrounding yourself with like-minded and positive people allows you connect with others over a shared interest, to ask for advice or help, to receive and share encouragement, acknowledgement, understanding and inspiration.

3. Self-Care
Reward yourself with plenty of self care by taking a relaxing bath, getting a massage, receiving a Reiki or energy healing treatment, taking a nap, going on a walk in nature, practicing some yoga or maybe even getting a new hair cut. You may also crave nutritious food and start eating healthier meals, including plenty of fresh vegetables and fruit. Taking care of yourself keeps your energy levels boosted, allowing you to share your newly discovered insights, happiness and love with others.

4. Trust your intuition
Take some time every day, preferably right after waking up in the morning, to listen within. A wonderful way to start the day (possibly before you get out of bed) is to think of at least three things that you are grateful for in this very moment. This practice fills your heart with love and gratitude and allows you to then set your intentions for the day. When you are ready to start your day you will be in the flow, inclined to be mindful and present and consequently allow your intuition (gut feeling or inner voice) to guide you. If you belief in something higher, a religion, a deity, angels, spirit guides or animals you may like to ask them for their help and guidance providing you insights into your unique purpose in life.


It is not always easy to go through changes but remember that you come out stronger, release what is no longer needed, set intentions to meet your needs, explore ways to share your unique purpose with others and eventually “live the life you love and love the life you live”.

Meanwhile no matter how big or small the change within yourself is, please know that every day offers you new opportunities to bring out the best in yourself and walk towards fulfilling your dreams.


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