We don’t have to wait until Thanksgiving to count our blessings. When you find a quite moment today, you may like to try the below gratitude practice.
Did you know that cultivating gratitude boosts your happiness, health and relationships?
Are you ready to feel the power of gratitude?
Today we will be focusing on giving and receiving gratitude, love, and appreciation. The more we give, the more we receive.
To get started please think about three beings (alive or passed ones) that you are grateful for.
If you joined me in our gratitude exploration of last week’s blog, you may have discovered where you feel gratitude in your body. Now close your eyes and bring your awareness to that part of your body (let’s call it your gratitude spot). If you are not sure where you feel gratitude in your body, please bring your awareness to your heart center.
As you inhale and exhale slowly and smoothly, begin to FEEL the gratitude, instead of thinking about it. As you feel the gratitude, begin to bring the first loved one to your gratitude spot. Now send your love, gratitude and appreciation to them. Visualize them in your mind’s eye, look into their eyes and as you are sending them your blessings, see the love, gratitude and appreciation in their eyes reflected back at you. As you continue to send, allow yourself to receive at the same time.
When you feel complete with your first round, move on to the next being, then to the third.
When ready, gently open your eyes. Welcome back, dear one. How do you feel?
I would love to hear from you! Drop me an email, leave a comment on my blog post webpage or on the Mendocino Healing Facebook page.
With gratitude and appreciation,
~ Tanja Alexandra Kern