A Beginners Guide To Crystals

August 19, 2016
Tanja Alexandra Kern

Since ancient times crystals have been revered for their magical and healing qualities.

Crystals possess powerful energies that can improve your well-being and bring balance to body, mind, spirit, and emotions.

The crystal’s color usually indicates its unique healing functions.

Would you like to get your own crystal but don’t know which one to pick?

Then here’s a guide on how to choose the right crystal for you, how to use it, and how to take care of it.


How to choose your crystal

You may like to choose a crystal for a specific issue. Get clear on what healing property you are looking for. For example if you are wishing to heal emotional issues, or bring more love into your life, you may want to purchase Rose Quartz.

All crystals have different energy vibrations and we are usually drawn to the one(s) that resonate with our own energy, or will harmonize and balance it.

So another way to choose the right crystal is to allow yourself to be drawn to it. Take a few nice and deep breaths, calm your mind, and let your heart and intuition guide you in the right direction. Are you attracted to a specific color or shape? Once you know what kind of crystal is calling you, go ahead and pick one. Hold it in the palms of your hands and see how that feels. Now notice the temperature of the crystal. Does it remain cool or does it heat up? You want to choose the crystal that feels warm or hot against your skin. Enjoy the process and know that you can’t go wrong. Trust your inner voice and guidance.

What to use your crystal for

The uses for crystals are infinite. Here are some inspirations. You can use your crystal for protection and carry it around with you. Crystals are also wonderful to have around for your meditation practice. If you use your crystal for its healing properties you may consider wearing a crystal jewelry piece. Crystals can also help you in magnifying your intention, support manifestations and the law of attraction.

How to care for your crystal

Crystals absorb energies. Keep that in mind when purchasing your crystal, allowing other people to touch it, etc.

To keep your crystal pure and aligned to your energy you may choose one of the following cleaning techniques:

  • Purify your crystal under running water, a stream, or the ocean. Don’t leave it in the water, just rinse it and imagine all unwanted energies that your crystal may be holding to wash away.
  • Moon-bathe your crystal. Place your crystal in a bowl and set it on your windowsill or outside on your deck on a full moon night. Allow it to soak up the healing light of moon.
  • Smudge your crystal with sage or incense.
  • Allow your crystal to sunbathe on a beautiful sunny day. Make sure you don’t leave it out for too long if it is very hot.

Welcome to the fascinating world of crystals. Enjoy your journey!

Please let me know your thoughts, comments, and feedback! Also, please share this email with all your like-minded friends.

Many blessings,

Tanja Alexandra Kern


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