Every living creature on this planet wants to be happy. It is our predominant nature to seek wellbeing and happiness. So why does it seem so hard at times to connect to it? Why do we keep running around, working on our never ending to-do lists and feel tired and exhausted at the end of the day?
Do you realize that the most important and only thing you can do to be there for others is to be there for yourself first? We all have busy lives and our routines and busy minds seem to not allow us any quality time for ourselves. We might worry that we would come across as egoistic or may get there once everything on our list is done. Let’s pause for a moment and investigate where these thoughts are coming from? Your mind or your heart?
I invite you to start today with one of the following suggestions to bring happiness into your life and then see what happens around you. Even if you take just 10 minutes a day, do you realize that you react differently, that you feel more relaxed, at ease and joyful? Do you notice that a little thing that may have triggered you just an hour ago now can be handled with a smile? Are you aware that you are changing your perception by being happier?
So here are 8 suggestions for your consideration – and yes, 8 is a lucky number in Chinese.
- What are your needs ~
Let Your Heart Speak to You
Allow your heart to tell you what your needs are.
I consciously differentiate between thoughts from our mind and messages from our heart. Although it is easier to just ‘think’ about what our needs are, we get a clearer answer from listening to our heart. The difference is that the mind tells us a variety of needs and may be all over the place, whereas the heart will most likely provide you with only a few but gentle, loving and important needs of yourself. In order to listen to our heart, we may consider to find some time in a place without any distractions, take a few conscious and deep breath and close our eyes. Then you are ready to start your heart enquiry. Once you become aware of your needs, you may already feel better by just acknowledging that you have those needs. If that does not do it for you, see if you can intent to fill your need by taking action yourself or making a request to another person. Another great benefit of this step is that by turning inward and being fully in the present moment you may find that happiness is already inside you. - Connect to unconditional love and harmony
Ask yourself if it would make you happy to contact or meet with your loved one or friend right now? Would it make you happy to connect with your dog, cat, horse or favorite animal friend right now? Maybe it would make you happy to connect with the pureness of nature? Nature in all its different faces can be out in the woods, on a beach, by a lake, the mountains, the desert, or just simply your porch, backyard or rooftop. If you are at work it might be a flower or plant that you may like to consciously connect with. In the example of the flower, I invite you to take a few moments to pay full attention to every detail of the flower and admire its perfection and beauty. If you decided to connect with a human or animal, take some time to look at them as if for the first time. Have you ever noticed their eyelashes, the way their eyes light up when they smile or the beauty of their dimples? You may realize that this practice takes you in to the present moment again. Enjoy! - Give to others
Even if you don’t feel your happy self today, go out of your way to smile at another person, give someone a big hug or just acknowledge somebody for being there. Sometimes all we need is to receive a smile, hug or acknowledgment to make our day. Maybe you’ll surprise someone with a lovely gift or a heartfelt compliment? Or you may like to call someone special in your life and tell them how much they mean to you. There are always charity organizations or animals shelters that would love for you to contribute in your own way, maybe by taking a shelter dog for a walk. This way you benefit by taking a walk and by making a dog very happy. By giving something to others you will instantly be showered with fulfillment, contentment, gratification and as a consequence happiness.
- Find your Passion
What activity lets your heart sing, gets you excited and you can’t wait to start it?
May it may be spending quality time with your loved one, dancing, listening to your favorite song, painting, horseback riding, pottery, knitting, golfing, running, yoga, meditating, writing, reading, having a cup of tea, going on an excursion or vacation, walking your dog, going for a swim in the ocean, talking a walk on the beach, playing an instrument… As you can see there is a huge variety of activities and your favorite one may not even be mentioned here. Contemplating what your passion in life is, taking steps towards it and then to incorporate your favorite activity/activities into your life is a sure way to find happiness, joy, excitement and ease.