This Sunday is Mothers Day and
I would like to honor and celebrate
all mothers, my own wonderful mom
and my mother-in-law, as well as
all the amazing women that have
been influencing my life
by stepping in the roles of
teacher, guide, mentor and friend.

I would like to acknowledge all women who have given birth or adopted children, doing their best to raise, support and nurture them into loving, kind, aware and conscious adults.
Nowadays most of us women can choose if and when to have children. Nevertheless there may, and always has been divine intervention, and women get pregnant when it was not planned or don’t get pregnant when they so long for a baby.
For all of us it is important to listen within, to seek out our purpose in life and what fulfills us. We may be given a child, even if unplanned, if it is part of our growth, denied children even if we wanted them because we have a different purpose, or followed our heart by choosing to have or to not have children.
In addition to celebrating mothers this weekend, I would like to take this opportunity to celebrate ALL women.
Every female has qualities that have helped, supported, loved, nurtured, cared for, taught and influenced others.
All of us have similar needs, insecurities, worries, hopes and dreams.
Some of us teach their children on how to make this world a better place and to become a loving, caring and wonderful person. Some of us adopt or teach children. Some of us support and care for elderly, sick or the dying. Some of us support and care for animals. Some of us protect and sustain nature. Some of us are mentors, guides, coaches, instructors, doulas, nurses, doctors, therapists,

(holistic) health practitioners, teachers, (girl)friends, sisters, etc., and support others in profound ways.
Let’s take this Mother’s Day weekend to honor and celebrate your inner Goddess and all the Goddesses who have been touching your life.
Feel the interwoven connection between you and all females that have ever been alive and all the future women yet to be born. Feel and celebrate the blessing to be alive, vibrant and happy in your female body.
I believe that our connections are not random or just happen “by accident” but are provided to us to support, appreciate and learn from each other. We are all in this life together and although our lives may appear to be quite different, we are all going through the same phases of life.
Can you think of 3 females that have positively influenced your life? What has inspired you about them? Would you consider contacting them, writing them a note or sending them your prayers, love and gratitude?
Let your inner radiance, beauty and love shine through!
Happy Mother’s and/or Goddess Day to you!