Happy Autumn & Harvest Blessings

September 23, 2014
Tanja Alexandra Kern




“Through celebrations in their season are the deeper powers of human nature realized.”
~Rudolf Steiner


“Autumn is a second spring when every leaf is a flower.”
~ Albert Camus




Autumnal Equinox is the day when day and night are divided equally. We say farewell to summer and welcome fall.

This transition into autumn invites us to reflect and bring our life into harmony and balance. It is a time to align with the changes in nature, an invitation to surrender and release what no longer serves us as well as to gather our harvest, appreciating and celebrating the fruit of our dreams that we planted earlier this year.



We are encouraged to pause and consider what habits, beliefs, things and attitude we are willing to let go of, allowing change, new opportunities and abundance in our lives. It is a time to give appreciation and gratitude to the blessings and abundance of our harvest and inspires us to contemplate what kind of seeds we would like to plant for the next harvest season.





As the days get shorter and the nights longer, nature asks us to slow down, and to go within. Here we can connect to our inner love, harmony and strength, nourishing and kindling our inner light which will illuminate our path through the dark hours of fall and winter.


Wishing you a happy autumn and a rewarding harvest of your dreams.


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