Aromatherapy for Knitters
Introduction to Essential Oils for Home Use & Blend Your Own Take-Home Skincare
hosted at the Mendocino Yarn Shop
Need to perk up, relax, revive or cheer up?
Join us for an enlightening journey to the amazing world of Aromatherapy.
Essential oils are nature’s healing gift to us and support us in healing and balancing our bodies, mind, emotions and spirits. They offer a fast and effective stress release, encourage regeneration and healing.
Aromatherapy works in synergy with our bodies, helps prevent or heal physical as well as emotional conditions and affects our feelings, which in return alter our mood, thoughts and perception.
We will explore the benefits of Aromatherapy and identify ways to incorporate the use of essential oils to enhance your daily life.
Discover the power of essential oils and make your own Aromatherapy body oil to take home with you.
In this workshop you will discover
What Aromatherapy is, how it works and how to use it, even while knitting
- How to use essential oils safely at home for yourself and your family
- How to use essential oils for: Stress release, Immunity, Digestion, Headaches, Insomnia, Emotional Support, etc.
- Learn about basic essential oils and their energetic properties
- Make your own Aromatherapy Body Oil to take home with you
- Q&A on your specific needs and concerns
Learn how to empower your health and wellbeing, naturally.
Tuesday, April 21, 2015
3.30 – 5.00 p.m.
Fee $ 50 (includes all materials)
Space is limited. Deadline for registration is April 14.
Mendocino Yarn Shop
45050 Albion Street, Mendocino, CA 95460
707-937-0921 888-530-1400
Mendocino Healing