Inspired by the quotes of the legendary yogi, B.K.S. Iyengar, I would like to offer ten life changing guidelines for your consideration. They may be incorporated into your yoga practice or, even if you are not practicing yoga, they can be nicely applied in your everyday life.
Living by these principles allows you to make your life and yoga practice rich, fulfilling and meaningful.
4. “Health is a state of complete harmony of the body, mind and spirit. When one is free from physical disabilities and mental distractions, the gates of the soul open.”
By becoming aware of our body sensations, thoughts and emotions, we are able to acknowledge them and then allow ourselves to release them. In that very moment, when our body, mind and spirit are in perfect balance and harmony, our soul is able to tap into our higher consciousness. This state allows us to notice our gut feeling, hear intuitive thoughts and receive sudden insights. By connecting to our true self we become the witness of our thoughts, emotions and needs and realize that we are not what we think. Being the observer allows us a choice and offers us to detach from the stories we are telling ourselves. When we give our soul the chance to open up to us, it will be delighted to share our dreams, desires and life purpose with us.
5. “It took me whole decades to appreciate the depth and true value of yoga.”
Yoga is not about competition, judgement or expectation. It gently encourages us to be patient with our practice, to show ourselves compassion, to listen within and stay true to ourselves. By embracing who we really are, we tap into the natural flow of life. Yoga reminds us that, as with life itself, we learn and grow with our practice. And please remember that yoga is a lifelong practice, there is always something more to learn and by staying in the present moment we encounter differences in our practice every time. The more we stay open to experiencing our yoga practice fully, on and off the mat, the more we open ourselves to reaping the full benefits and discovering the true depth of yoga. Staying curious, present and joyful to our practice allows us overtime to experience the magical and amazing gifts of yoga.
Yoga is not about competition, judgement or expectation. It gently encourages us to be patient with our practice, to show ourselves compassion, to listen within and stay true to ourselves. By embracing who we really are, we tap into the natural flow of life. Yoga reminds us that, as with life itself, we learn and grow with our practice. And please remember that yoga is a lifelong practice, there is always something more to learn and by staying in the present moment we encounter differences in our practice every time. The more we stay open to experiencing our yoga practice fully, on and off the mat, the more we open ourselves to reaping the full benefits and discovering the true depth of yoga. Staying curious, present and joyful to our practice allows us overtime to experience the magical and amazing gifts of yoga.

6. “The supreme adventure in a man’s life is his journey back to his Creator. To reach the goal he needs well developed and co-ordinated functioning of his body, senses, mind, reason and Self.”
This quote encourages us to connect and believe in something greater than ourselves. Philosophy describes devotion as a spiritual path for fostering love, faith and surrender. Having the faith and trust that we are guided, loved and protected, we can devote our practice, give our life purpose and intend, give thanks and offer our day to day life as a sacred service.
7. “If you take up any noble line and stick to it, you can reach the ultimate. Be inspired, but not proud. Do not aim low; you will miss the mark. Aim high; you will be on the threshold of bliss.”
Listen to your heart, follow your dreams, strive for truth, stay humble, set intentions and stay inspired. May you find and enjoy your bliss!
Listen to your heart, follow your dreams, strive for truth, stay humble, set intentions and stay inspired. May you find and enjoy your bliss!