“Blessed is the season which engages the whole world in a conspiracy of love.”
~ Hamilton Wright Mabie

Our sense of smell is our most primal sense and is intricately connected to our emotions. Have you ever noticed how smells, like the smell of freshly baked apple pie or bread can send us back to a childhood memory and all the feelings associated with our favorite grandmother? Aromas help us to balance our body, mind, spirit and emotions and enhance our general wellbeing. My personal seasonal blend for an Essential Oil Diffuser is Sweet Orange, Ginger and Clove Bud. I also like incense and one of my favorite ones for this season or all year around is vanilla. I appreciate “Morning Star Vanilla Incense”, however, there are many different ones out there and you will certainly discover your own favorite.
Another way to bring a cozy fragrance into your home and at the same time create a warming and delicious tea is to brew your own Chai Tea.
3. Foot Soak & Massage
Warm your feet and bring wellbeing to your body, mind, emotions and spirit by soaking your feet in a warm and fragrant foot bath. You may wish to add some essential oils and I would recommend about 2-5 drops of pure lavender essential oils for pure relaxation. If you wish you may like to also add Himalaya Sea Salt or Epsom Salts to the water for additional stress relief and cleansing. While soaking your feet you can of course incorporate the above tips surround yourself with favorite fragrance, in addition to the delightful scent of your foot bath, and a hot beverage of your choosing, and maybe even some soothing music. After about 10 minutes your feet are ready to be pampered. Tuck yourself in some blankets on your couch, preferably in front of a crackling fireplace, and start to apply some lotion to your feet and give yourself a foot rub. If you are so fortunate you may have a loved one who may be pleased to massage your lovely feet and after receiving such a marvelous treat you may be more than happy to reciprocate if you haven’t fallen asleep yet.
Wishing you and your loved ones happy, cozy, cheerful and relaxing holidays!