
June 13, 2014
Tanja Alexandra Kern



Namasté is an ancient Sanskrit greeting that is still being used in India and is not just a mere word but has deep spiritual significance. Yoga was developed in ancient India about 5000 years ago and consists of physical, mental and spiritual practices with the intention to attain a state of permanent peace of mind in order to experience one’s true self.

I realized that I put Namasté at the end of my most recent post “Yes Yoga is for You“. It may be that you are new to yoga or you may have been doing yoga for a long time but never understood the real meaning of Namasté. These days it is being used in so many ways that its meaning can easily be lost. To me, however, it has a deep meaning and I use it with my best intention to connect and bow to every student in my class after our practice.

Namasté ~  The divine in me honors and bows to the divine in you.

An acknowledgment of the deeper connection between all living beings.





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